All posts by admin

mexican coke

mexican cokemexican coke
look sweetie! they have coke from mexico!
huh? so what? what’s the difference?
it has *sugar*!
(rolls her eyes)
no, i mean it has sugar instead of corn syrup! it’s supposed to be good!
(walks away) whatever…

yes, the store actually had a sign pointing out that it was *from mexico* and yes i had to buy one. it’s good. there’s a nice sugarcane-juice-aftertaste and it seems just a bit…somehow more “natural” and refreshing than american coke. it’s not that obvious, and if i drank it without knowing where it came from, i might not notice it. but it’s worth checking out. B

sevan foods spinach feta and pesto bread

spinach feta and pesto bread

it looks very tasty and healthy, not to mention super-fresh. the sound of spinach, feta, and pesto on bread looks good on paper. in reality though, it’s a bit bland for my taste. i was hoping the bread would be a bit crispy on the edges, and maybe it’s my fault for not cooking it long enough, but the whole thing was soft. not a bad soft, but i wish it was a bit firmer. i really kept expecting/hoping for a stronger pesto flavor to kick in but it never did. wifey liked it though. i give it a c

oscar mayer deli creations

oscar mayer sandwichoscar mayer sandwich
ooo…oscar mayer’s deli creations shaved turkey and cheddar dijon…sure sounds fancy doesn’t it? actually i’ve had convention center sandwiches that would be considered the height of fine dining compared to this. everything’s soggy and/or limp and/or tasteless. go buy a loaf of bread, a packet of turkey, grab a slice of *american* cheese, and steal a packet of mayo and mustard from your local fast food joint. make your own damn sandwich. this gets a d- (it doesn’t get an f because it’s at least edible)

…and yes, i know i can’t blame this ridiculously obvious warning on oscar mayer. but it’s somehow fitting, considering the intelligence of the people who’ll actually eat this. blech.

luigi’s real italian ice

luigi's real italian iceluigi's real italian ice
yum! the strawberry flavor is pretty mild with just a hint of tartness. the lemon flavor is more sour with a stronger flavor, but it’s still a bit restrained. the texture is very smooth…almost like packed snow. it’s much icier than ice cream, not nearly as dense as gelato, and very smooth. the flavor could be a bit stronger though. it gets a b+

ben & jerry’s s’mores ice cream

ben & jerry's s'mores ice cream

ben & jerry never fails to deliver. this ice cream is good, though it doesn’t *quite* taste like s’mores. the chocolate is rich and creamy, and i really like the crunchiness of the graham cracker bits. the fudge chunks are a nice touch. i could barely taste the marshmallows though. i could definitely see the white marshmallow swirls as i dug my way into the ice cream, and it mixes in well with the flavor, but it doesn’t really jump out at you. overall it’s great: a-

breyer’s oreo ice cream

oreo ice cream

pretty darn good. this tastes more like oreo the cookie than oreo the ice cream. that is, the “cream” part of it tastes a bit more like the cream in the oreo cookies than say “ice cream.” there’s also a lot more cookie in the mix than in other “cookies and cream” ice creams. the best cookies ‘n cream is still by hagen dazs but this is quite good. it gets a b.

van de kamp’s crispy fish tenders

van de kamp's crispy fish tenders

i feel really mislead. these are crispy. the fish tenders were soggy as heck, and the “cut from whole fillets” fish meat seems minced to me. but maybe they’re supposed to be tender. i don’t know. i do know i didn’t like these. the fish tenders taste alright. but after the fifth or sixth one, i felt like i was eating baby food or something. sigh. why did i buy 2 packs? these get a d+

dreyer’s loaded cookies ‘n cream ice cream

dreyer's loaded cookies 'n cream ice cream

the top of the carton clearly states “soft and creamy.” boy is that an understatement. if your idea of ice cream is something close to the texture of hard cottage cheese with dirt mixed in, and you just can’t get enough of oreos in your ice cream, this one’s for you! if you enjoy good ice cream though, you might wanna think twice. i hated the texture. the taste was just average. this gets a d.